我們的核心團隊是(shì)一個充分國際化的團隊,由中美兩國的優秀設計師組成,主要設計人員(yuán)均擁有海外留學背景及國際一流的設計公司超過十年的從業經曆。 該作品集中列出的項目爲團隊人員(yuán)曾經主持和參與過的項目。這些項目是(shì)團隊成員(yuán)在過去(qù)十年中逐漸積累出來的實際經驗,充分證明我們團隊對實際項目及項目的落地效果具備卓越的把控能力。

Our core team is a fully internationalized team, consisting of excellent designers China the United States. The main designers have a background of studying abroad more than 10 years'experience in international first-class design companies. The projects listed in this collection are projects that team members have hosted participated in. These projects are the practical experience accumulated by team members over the past ten years, which fully proves that our team has excellent control over the actual project the ling effect of the project.