
The Brand

DEEP設計堅信成功源自于專注。深入的專注度不僅是(shì)我們對客戶的承諾,更是(shì)保持我們團隊卓越的關鍵。我們的設計專注于環境, 專注于健康,專注于社會,專注于人文精神,我們的設計就是(shì)解決這些實際需求的藝術化手段。英文“DEEP”意味着“深入的,極緻 的”。我們的設計不流于表面的形式,而是(shì)深深的植根于土地,穩定且意味深遠,在時間的度量衡上生根發芽,生生不息。

DEEP design deeply believes success origins from focusing. Deep focusing is not only thepromise to our client but also the key to keep our team in excellence. We pay great atten-tion to the environment, health, society and human spirit, our design is the trip of solvingreal problems. The word “DEEP” means “intense or extreme”. Not only developing beautifulforms, our work is rooted deeply in the earth, solid and meaningful, and growing forever.


Metric-driven Design

數據化驅動的設計方法是(shì)我們獨立創新的,且與現(xiàn)代景觀設計大趨勢相(xiàng)吻合的工作方法,也是(shì)我們的項目從目标策劃到落成實施的整 個過程中貫徹DEEP設計哲學的保障。所謂數據化驅動的設計是(shì)指設計從一開始便注重建立可度量的設計目标,收集可量化的分析數 據,根據已有的設計證據來發展出理性的設計結論,最終對設計成果進行數據核算以完成既定的設計目标。不同于傳統的設計方法中 通常使用的定性目标以及線(xiàn)性設計發展模式,我們的整個設計過程始終是(shì)可量化的,同時也是(shì)一個良性的循環發展過程。

We marked our design method to be the “metric-driven” process, which is consistent to theinternational trend in landscape archite cture. We promote this method to assure DEEP de-sign philosophy to be implemented through the whole process of every project. Metric-driv-en design means establishing measurable goals, collecting measurable data, and evidence,developing reasonable design solution, and evaluating and measuring the design result toalign with the design goals. Every step in this process is measu rable therefore easy to beevaluated, and every step in this process aligns with established design goals therefore easyto be kept in focus. It is a cycling process rather than a linear design development.
